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Do Not Vote Ockunzzi
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Joel Ockunzzi
Joel Ockunzzi

By US~Observer Staff

Jackson County, Oregon - Joel Ockunzzi, Candidate for Jackson County Commissioner, in a very telling radio interview with KMED’s Bill Meyer, made it a point he is a champion for land regulation and Jackson County’s existing administrative system. He also made it clear that he knows what’s better for property owners than they do. He made it vividly clear that he knows absolutely nothing about our Constitutional Rights and that he is an absolute proponent for big government.

Joel Ockunzzi, is in his seventh year as a commissioner on the Jackson County Planning Commission (JCPC). While discussing the need to change land use regulations, Jackson County’s denial of jury trials in civil cases, taking back county lands from the Federal government to increase economic activity, Bill Meyer asked Candidate Joel Ockunzzi, “As a county commissioner how far would you go, would you pick a fight if you had to?” Ockunzzi’s answer was, “no, I would never pick a fight that I felt I could not win.”

In other words, Ockunzzi is stating, should he win the upcoming election, that he will violate the Oath of Office that he will be required to take, because that Oath will require that he “Swear to Uphold the Constitution(s)”. This is exactly what past commissioners have done for decades and it is unacceptable. This is part of the reason that Jackson County, Oregon is going broke. This is part of the reason that Jackson County keeps coming back to the hard-working producers of Jackson County asking for more and more tax-dollars.

In fact, Ockunzzi has been assisting Jackson County government in violating our Constitutional Rights for seven years on the JCPC. This commission is responsible for advise which places a heavy influence on the implementation of Unconstitutional and often unbearable rules and regulations on the backs of Jackson County citizens, property owners and Jackson County’s Small Business Owners (Jackson County’s Producers).

There are two main candidates for Jackson County Commissioner in the upcoming election - Colleen Roberts and Joel Ockunzzi. Our investigation of Roberts shows that she is a Small Business Owner and she is well connected with tax-payers. Roberts is well-equipped (Masters Degree in Business) to solve the severe financial problems currently existing in Jackson County.

As for Joel Ockunzzi, God forbid, should he get elected, Jackson County tax-payers will pay DEARLY and Regularly. Any who vote for this government Bureaucrat will regret it in short order!

Joel Ockunizzi is everything that big government wants and the last thing that citizens need.

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