June 2005

Demanding Accountability



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Special Flag Letters to the Editor

Editor’s Note: In Flag story #1 we asked people to e-mail us their view on the article by asking the simple question, “Should “Old Glory” be flown below the Mexican National flag?” We have received over four thousand responses, some of which we have included in this Special Flag Letters to the Editor. Of the thousands of responses we only received one letter where the respondent said simply, “Yes” in answer to the question.

Because of the initial article, the amount of public opinion, and the photographs included, we received a response from from the main public relations officer of the Oregon Employment Office that the flag had been removed. But what we didn’t know, at first, is that the American flag had been removed as well, prompting our follow-up article Flag story #2.

Dear Editor:

Thank you for this article. As a resident of Salinas, CA I see this kind of crap all the time. A perfect example is "Transportation Plaza" in the center of Monterey Ca. Where not only the Mexican flag fly's at equal height as the US, but so does the flag of Spain. To these nitwit libs it's just OK and fine. I too have espoused my discontent and quoted the Federal flag code to no avail.

Here in Salinas when the fourth of July comes you'd never know it. However let the "El Gritto" come and the city closes off streets and you would think your living in Mexico. Mexican flags every where. the local politicians are forever trying to get extra give a ways for illegals. Even getting a US mail carrier that speaks English fluently is a challenge. Looks to me like Bush wants to give the west coast back to Mexico.

Personally I've had it with this crap and am not the only one. It makes my blood boil. Thank you again for the article.


Dave Bradford
Salinas, CA


In regard to your article on the above I have several solutions:

1. Relocate the office to Mexico
2. Let Mexico pay the employees wages
3. Find someone in the office with the guts to raise the American flag higher than all others.

David R. Stevens
Naples, FL


I support your view on the U.S. Flag 100%. I am sick and tired of Americans having to always bend over backwards to be "politically correct" while every other nationality in the world burns our flag and desecrates every thing we hold dear.

Bud Higdon
MGySgt USMC (Ret'd)


Dear Editor,

Thank you for posting the article that exposed the fact that employees of the Medford Oregon employment office are ashamed of the American flag and tremble in fear of offending Mexicans by displaying it prominently like other state offices in America do. My question of you is when are you going to post the story where Medford seceded from the union? As I said to Governor Kulongoski, I wasn't aware that the U.S. surrendered to Mexico, in fact, I was taught that we defeated them in the Mexican-American war and that they subsequently signed a treaty with the U.S. This story started with the Mexican flag being flown on American soil at a state employment office and ends with the American flag being taken down. There is only one word that adequately and accurately expresses this despicable series of events and that is "cowardice." No amount of PR or spin can refute that glaring indictment because this is the United States sovereign soil, not Mexican, yet spineless Americans pander their loyalty to Mexico not once but twice. Cowardice such as that I class as treason, for they have symbolized surrender, first when they ran the Mexican flag up a pole, and again when they brought down the American flag. This is the same sort of cowardice that brings 10,000 illegal aliens per day into the United States. If these people had an ounce of courage they would remain at home and fight for reform in their own countries, and if those efforts failed, they could revolt. Now that poverty is on the rise in the U.S. I fight for reform, once civil war erupts, I will fight to repel or defeat illegal aliens, politicians who seek their uninformed votes, and corrupt businesses who hire them. Sadly, I feel that a civil war is necessary (and inevitable) to get the government's attention, as it is clear that the supposedly servant government no longer serves the People. What is the difference between me and the invasion of illegal aliens? Courage. I chose to fight while they chose to run.
While I sympathize with those who want to come to America, it is not my responsibility to care for them which is exactly what I must do through socialist government hand outs. As foreigners, they are not entitled to a better life in America, and in light of the fact that each new illegal alien diminishes my and my fellow American's quality of life, I feel it is within my rights (as well as being my civic duty) to personally take action. Mexican citizens, for example, are the responsibility of Mexico, not the U.S. Once they illegally penetrate our sovereign soil, they are by definition, criminals.

Due to the volume of illegal aliens penetrating our border (est. 10,000 per day) the appropriate word is "invasion." Since the Mexican government encourages this behavior by giving instructions in the form of comic books, these people are defacto soldiers in an unorganized militia operating as agents of the Mexican government which has the effect of creating a defacto state of war between the United States and Mexico. The time has come to confront their militia with our own.
As for what is happening in Medford, what is needed is a petition to terminate the employment of everyone in that office who had a hand in what happened from the office manager to the peon who raised the Mexican flag and lowered the American flag. I want to know who authorized the surrender to Mexico which is exactly what removal of the American flag symbolized. If I had my way they would be tried as traitors and given a choice between deportation to Mexico or death by hanging, an appropriate penalty for treason during a time of war.
This is the United States and no foreigner has any say in how we conduct domestic business in this nation, including the militarizing of our borders which should include authorizing deadly force for anyone attempting to breach the border and enter the U.S. illegally.

Tom Cougar
American Patriot


To whom it may concern:

Regarding the removal of the Flag of the United States of America in Oregon and its being displayed below the flag of a foreign country; the U.S. flag subsequently removed as to "not offend."

My father, the son of immigrants, defended the United States of America during the attack on Pearl Harbor. My son's grandfather, also the son of immigrants, was injured during the Battle of the Bulge. My cousin a Marine, my brother a Sailor, both served in Vietnam. My son fought in the Liberation of Iraq with the Army 82nd Special Ops and my son-in-law with the Army 101st Airborne. The tie that binds these generations together is their love of this country and their commitment to the flag they carried into battle. My father taught me how to salute the flag of these United States. We stood together, hand over heart, many times during the playing of our National Anthem. And I taught my son; my son will teach his son.

The "political correctness" going on in Oregon must immediately stop as it dishonors the men and women that have sacrificed to keep this country free. All those associated with this disgrace in Oregon must be held accountable. They must either lose their jobs or, at minimum, they should commit themselves to community service at any nearby Veteran's Center to learn firsthand from the veterans themselves the meaning of service, duty, and honor.

I propose that anyone that is "offended" by 'Old Glory' should not be in these great United States. Perhaps they would be happier in another country - one that shares in their disgrace.


Dr. David Waterman
Leominster, MA


To the Editor,

I was upset about reading this article, and the precious one, about the Mexican flag being raised above the American flag, up there in Oregon...

I'm also sad that in my very own bank, here in Southern California, there is a huge wall, entirely covered with Mexican background pictures and Mexican words very obviously written all over it.

I asked a "big wheel" in the bank, why Mexican, instead of American? The first time I asked him, he just kind of pointed to another employee area (perhaps a Mexican employee), I did not actually SEE this person. The next time I asked the "big wheel", the same one, he told me that this bank had dealt with Mexico in business terms at some points in the past...it's just DISGUSTING...I know how you feel...

Here in Los Angeles, California, I feel that lots of people feel like it is too late...and by contrast, a lot of people still are almost unaware (the wealthier ones); I guess they don't make time to read the internet, or they don't read the newspapers; OR THEY ARE IN DENIAL.

This was once a LUXURIOUS AND GORGEOUS COUNTY (L.A.), and if you are very well-off, perhaps you really do not understand as much as someone like I do...but actually, just living here most of my life it is hard for me to understand how there can be so many people just "letting this invasion happen." Los Angeles County is in TROUBLE WITH VILLARAIGOSA JUST ELECTED FOR MAYOR HERE. (He's all about La Raza and those horrible organizations)...oh no, OH YES.
Thanks for asking us all to E-Mail you. I, too, e-mail my Congressmen and Senators occasionally.




You have my appreciation for taking this stand. It is beyond political correctness...it is now political stupidity, and I am not going to stand still for this. NO ONE disrespects my flag if I can help it.

I will be writing the President and our goofy governor directly expressing my sincere disgust and anger over this breach of patriotism within my own country.

If the Mexicans don't like it here, they can go somewhere else. AMERICA: LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT. Maybe that way, I'll have a few more of my hard-earned dollars in my own hand to retire on.



Ree Belinskey
Clackamas, OR


Dear Mr. Lee;

I am no longer surprised at any thing that undermines the dignity always shown to our flag & our country. Respect & dignity from our citizens but also from people around the world was once common. (Is this one of the many 1st/changes we are seeing?) Where can the disrespect shown our laws & our flag lead? I live in Hendersonville, NC. It is not to unusual to see the Mexican flag hung from a review mirror. TheAmerican flag is to be flown higher than any other flag, including state flags. A used car dealer here flys the Mexican flag at the same height as the American flag, no one is outraged. Why? If you speak up you are called a bigot or racist. If you don't.....what are you?
We have laws concerning the employment of illegals. Who will enforce them? Why do state offices hire people here illegally? Can they claim they were unaware when they were undocumented (illegal) when they were applying for the job?
I will be writing my congressmen about this & a number of other things.


Mrs. Rae H. Clore



I am with you all the way. Enough with political correctness, this is the U.S. and our flag is number one.

To hell with offending these people and if they don't like it, pack up and get out of town and go to work in Mexico and fly their flag.

Also, round up the illegal aliens and ship 'em back where they came from.

I have written my U.S. Senators and Congressional Rep. through the www.numbersusa.com website, and also called their offices through the Capitol switchboard 202 224-3121.


Robert Steiner


Firing those people who took the Flag down is too good for them. Here is the email I tried to send:

I learned the Pledge of Allegiance in the first grade and the school day started with that Pledge all through grammar school. By the third grade we knew, by heart, the Preamble and knew what the words meant.

I am an ex combat infantryman served in the ETO - and almost everyone in my platoon carried a small American Flag. I remember the thrill back at rest camps to see the flag displayed in front of Company Headquarters.

That aside, I could hardly believe your report. Officials in charge of a government operation ordered Old Glory removed so as not to offend someone. It is love my country or leave it. I consider termination too simple a solution. They showed overt disrespect, contempt, scorn and put foreign nationals [legal or illegal] concerns ahead of my country. Incidentally, was it entirely their decision or did some foreign national employee ask for the removal of Our Flag. That aside I think firing them is letting them off to easy. They should be exiled, their passports canceled and all ports notified not to admit them on any other passport. Let them remember what they lost each day.

Leo T Downey Jr,
God Bless All Who Read This


Since this agency of the STATE OF OREGON has struck colors (lowered the U.S. ensign) does that indicate it has seceded from the union? They appear to have decided they have no allegiance to anyone, I do not see even their own (state) flag. Is there any one in charge there? Do they exist? Is an individual going to need a passport to travel through the geographic area previously known as Oregon?

Though the questions are mostly rhetorical, they are intended to provoke thought, and I really do wonder what the consequences are.

Louis Oberbeck
32°46'41"N 094°30'32"W


I am 100% American, used to say that I was "Heinz 57" varieties because I am mix of Irish, English, German and unknown origin German speakers plus perhaps a little Scottish ..I also served the United States for over 25 years, both as an active/reserve member of the military and as a civilian employee of the Department of Defense mainly supporting the "Silent Service" and the special mission subs whose exploits are recounted in "Blind Man's Bluff".

I agree that the Mexican flag displayed in that manner was inappropriate, not because it was a smidgen higher than the American flag, but because it was a state office building; I also believe that the American flag being displayed in one employee's cubicle like that was also inappropriate. I displayed the "Don't Tread on Me" flag on my desk and after 9/11, my computer's wallpaper was the hanging of the huge American Flag on the side of the Pentagon next to the gaping hole. I did not display a large flag over the top of my cubicle; I would not have thought that appropriate.

Roger W Helbig
Lt Col, USAF Res (ret)
DoD Civ (ret)
Richmond, CA

PS .. the Fire Marshall also would have concerns about the display as shown in the photos; flags displayed that way in each cubicle (and if you let one do it, you let everyone do it) constitute a fire hazard.


If the story I just read is true, I'm am appalled. If they are offended by the American flag, by all means GO HOME where ever that is. They CHOOSE to be in America. Then they should not be offended by our flag. Personally, I love Mexico and the Mexican flag. I've never met a Hispanic or Mexican I didn't like. I cherished the flag flying in Ensanada when I visited there. But, when they are LIVING on our soil by choice, taking our jobs and government benefits, they should speak our language and cherish our flag. They should be thankful that folks like me have worked for 25 years here in the good ole USA to give them benefits that I can't have and they can't get in their home country. I am disabled and my disability payments are too much for me to obtain Medicaid. Therefore I go without needed medical care, dental care and medication on a regular basis because I can't even afford the 20% after Medicare. I get NO help with dental or medications. I am headed toward having a stroke & have teeth rotting out in my head. But, these people can come over here and get benefits that I can't. Benefits that I've worked for 25 years to give them. Benefits that I should have and not them. And, now we can't even fly our flag at a government office for fear of offending them. Give me a break.

I say GO HOME.

Lavon Wilson
Crosby, TX


Dear Sir,

I am what political correctness would refer to as third generation Mexican American. Yet I myself am appalled at such an accusation. I was born an American. I consider my self an American, not a Mexican American. I do not speak or understand Spanish, I live in America and was born in America and I speak and converse in English, not Spanish. To remain a sovereign country I believe we need to maintain what our forefathers inherited to us. I was a registered Republican, but no longer am because the line of main stream political parties has become so obscured and there is not much difference between the two, except who controls the ship. We need to become once again the 'Republic" our forefathers entrusted to us. There remains legal means for any individual to become an American citizen, with the understanding that the individual agrees with what the Constitution conveys, not with what the individual wants to bring from his or her country, their government and traditions that are theirs not ours.

Mr. Alan D. Barba


In my opinion the Mexican flag has no place to be flown on any public property be it State or Federal, unless Mexico is contributing FINANCIALLY to the services provided. Sending millions of unemployed Mexicans does not justify flying the Mexican flag.

Further, I think he USA needs to send Vicente Fox a bill for the services and supplements his Mexican People are bilking from American Taxpayers.

The removal of the American flag in order not to offend Mexicans in the USA is infuriating and UN-American.

Thank you for doing the piece, and I am sending comments to my Governor, Warner, as well as the White House.


S. Cooper
Washington, D.C.


Mr. Snook,

We are at war. California is lost, Oregon next. No counter attack on the horizon.

Mexican invaders, soldiers, pour across our borders without uniforms to rendezvous in places like Medford and Salem. They infect our water, infect our food, sh-t in our hamburger in the kitchens at eating places all over the country, rape our women, bludgeon our elderly, machete-kill and maim our children, pay for this carnage with their drugs, and give their illegal votes to their fellow Mexican countrymen ensconced in political positions at all levels of our government.

Mexican soldiers are cowards, surpassed only by one-hundred-fifty million, (75% of the population of Oregon) all of whom are Vichey, Tories, loyal to the monarch and Mexico.
Solzhenitsyn said that man, "Will do anything to live one more minute."

We've got 30 seconds. Some, even in Oregon, will resist.

Yours in Liberty,

Semper Fi



I am outraged that a state office, in Oregon, on US soil has the gall to cater to the illegals and [their] so called "offends". The politically correctness of these bureaucrats has reached a point beyond ill will. Walter, an immigrant himself, agreed, "I left Yugoslavia to be an American, because it's the greatest country in the world. Why would I hold onto a political symbol of a country I chose to no longer be a part of?" Very well stated. This is NOT the UN it is the United States! ...

Up here in the NW corner of WA we have the Canadian flag flying next to Old Glory in many locations. The Canadians have no problem with this although I have heard others asking why do we need to display their flag.

As for me, I am no longer a federal employee, I do not run a city or state office yet I keep my Stars & Stripes up 24/7. Come and just try to take it down.
Thanks for this article, I'll pass it on.


Don Finlayson
Bellingham, WA


I hope we can turn this situation around. I am a 59 year old male who loves this country, or the country it could be if we were to get back to the melting pot rather than the multi culture program.

People use to come here to be Americans as well as take advantage of the opportunities. Today they want the opportunties only and still be Spanish, Italian or what ever to include there culture and if that culture has aspects that do not conform to our laws and values(i.e. cock fights etc) that is to bad it is our culture, our ways and should not be stopped. One day we may find ourselves in the same boat as say Iraq whith it's different sects and at each others throats.

Out of Many, One. This country will always be strong and vibrant if with our many or diverse people we would be of one mind about where we want to go as AMERICANS, not African-American, Iranian-American, or Italian-American. We are AMERICANS period, going in the same direction, for ourselves and our children and our children's children . We keep asking GOD to bless America. We should be asking America to bless GOD and He will bless us.

So with all that said, I pray we can get our flag back in place at Medford's employment agency.

Frankfort, OH


The notion that the American flag could be treated with disrespect because it might offend an immigrant working on a public American payroll is outrageous. Do these employees speak English? Are they citizens? Are their clothes still soaking wet?

Various reports indicate that Mexo-America has been planned to be extended from California through Oregon under the Atzlan Plan. So, this behavior by this specific office will not be an isolated event, but it will rather be part of an overall design approved by Washington. There are not enough Mr. Snook's to prevent this. Both existing and new laws will be implemented to control and suppress his behavior and that of like-minded individuals as matters escalate. It's going to get very nasty.

The planned economic/financial destruction of the US by those acting as Bush's brain has been clearly described on the Net and is well under way. Along with that will be the destruction of the traditional American society with something that can only be described as social anarchy, a complete riotous mess.
Time for the gringos to take Spanish lessons!

Bob Alford


The American flag should be the ONLY flag flown, this IS America! The only other flag that should be permitted in a public building should be the State flag and THAT should be flown below the American flag, not the flag of an invading country or any other country!!!

Tori L. Stordahl
San Bernardino, CA


Born and educated in these United States and severed in the Army during the Korean War period - I object to our flag being the second class citizen and for that matter there should be NO OTHER flag present. And if the people that want to fly their flags here, I would tell them to go back where they came from and mount their flags wherever they want. I'll bet they will not even have an American Flag in their country.

I think our open door policies should become more restrictive and in the case of the illegal population a closed door policy. Or else we will not be The United States Of America - but in fact the rest of the world basking in the freedom of America and taking from this freedom what they want and giving back nothing. And refusing to blend here in OUR COUNTRY by maintaining their foreign cultures and language.

Once we had a common language in the United States - but that's because the people coming to this country took the time to learn to speak what was then a common language and adopted our way of life and added to this life improving on it over the many years.

We have heroes from all over the world who have added to the foundation of this country and in one way or another gave it all back.

Richard Ingle


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