US~Observer is both an on-line and print investigative news source helping innocent victims of false prosecution. We help people who are falsely accused of crimes, and we fight corruption in government. We stand by the Constitution.
US~Observer - Demanding Accountability

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Vindicated Video

Sentenced to life,
plus 25 years

--US~Observer - Video

US~Observer Vindicated Clients

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Curt Chancler
Curt Chancler

Devvy Kidd

Michael Minns

Ron Lee
Ron Lee

Dr. Kathy Marshack
Dr, Kathy

Eric Coltrane

Ted Williams
Ted Williams

Lou Ann

J.M. Appleton
J.M. Appleton

Victor Sayre

Nathan Wente
Nathan Wente

Lorne Dey
Lorne Dey

<<< D.A. Williams belatedly reports $160,050 in >>>
Justice Department says it will end use of private prisons--Washington Post

   US~Observer Editor Picks

California Bill Would Make
It a Felony for Prosecutors
to Withhold Evidence

Clinton-Connected AG
Found Guilty of 9 Felonies
--Free Beacon

Judge indicted,
suspended from bench
--Knoxville News

Texas Man Who Didn’t Kill
Anyone Set for Execution

   US~Observer Print Edition Headlines

Ryan Mulkins

As If It Never Was... I am Finally Vindicated!
The Final Chapter in the Jessica Morton Story

After several agonizing years facing 6 serious criminal charges, and 10 years in prison, Jessica Morton has finally been vindicated. All records related to her arrest, are finally ready to be purged...Continue Reading

As If It Never Was...
I am Finally Vindicated!


One Brave American Lady!
Shattered Justice in
the Great State of Idaho


Disabled Woman Seeks Justice
Fed. Judge Michael Simon Recused


Precious Little Girl
Destroyed by Judge, DHS

Oregon District Attorney
Ryan Mulkins Disarming
Law-Abiding Citizens?

MOST WANTED: Gerald J.R. Olson
US~Observer Documentary
Inside a failed criminal justice system


Happy the book an innocent is finally released

   US~Observer Print Edition Headlines (Continued)


New MTV Documentary on Questionable Convictions

Olympic Champions will owe taxes on their medals, bonuses
--Yahoo Sports

America's Deadliest Prosecutors: Five Lawyers, 440 Death Sentences
--The Guardian

Six Weeks Later, Sheriff's Dept. Admits They Killed an Innocent in Swat Raid

When DNA Implicates the Innocent
--Scientific American

'Home Free': How a Wrongfully Convicted Man Taught Himself Law and Won His Freedom
--Innocence Project

Trial By Jury, A Hallowed America Right, Is Vanishing
--NY Times

North Carolina man freed after 28 years in prison

Unreasonable Searces are Unconstitutional - and Common

America's Electronic Voting Machines are Scarily Easy Targets

Ex-Prisoner Legal Victory Against Big Bank Makes Sense

Has a New, Fifth Force of Nature Been Found?

The Free Thought Project

The Free Thought Project Contributions

Death Blow to Accountability: State Bans Public from Seeing Police Body Cam or Dashcam Video

State Claims It Owns the Wind: Taxing Renewable Energy "Out of Existence"

Devvy Kidd


Politicians and the Lies They Tell
--John Stossel, Fox News

Policing and Justice in a Time of Dissent
--Jay Dobyns, Townhall

Killer Instincts: When Police Become Judge, Jury and Executioner
--John Whitehead,

Mercy in the Age of Mandatory Minimums
--Eric Luna, Mark Osler, Cato Institute

America's Institutionalized Racism: A Product of Government
--Ryan Mohr, Libertarian Republic

4 Stages of Monetary Madness
--Michael Pento, 24 Hour Gold

Prescription Drugs are Killing Us - Meet One of the Doctors Who Just Published...
--True Activist

This trend tells you everything you need to know about America's future
--Simon Black, Sovereign Man

US~Obsrerver Joint Venture

Southern Oregon Home For Sale

US~Observer Newspaper

See the US~Observer
as it was printed!
(This is a large file.)

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