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Sentenced to life,
plus 25 years

--US~Observer - Video

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Curt Chancler
Curt Chancler

Devvy Kidd

Michael Minns

Ron Lee
Ron Lee

Dr. Kathy Marshack
Dr, Kathy

Eric Coltrane

Ted Williams
Ted Williams

Lou Ann

J.M. Appleton
J.M. Appleton

Victor Sayre

Nathan Wente
Nathan Wente

Lorne Dey
Lorne Dey

<<< Another Innocent No Longer Behind Bars--Innocence Project >>>
How mass incarceration makes the “land of the free” the home of the caged--Rare

   US~Observer Editor Picks

Stop the treatment
industrial complex

Beware What You Say on
Facebook—Even If It’s True
--Willamette Weekly

Son Charged With Murder
For Killing Mom’s Attacker
--Bearing Arms

Representatives pledge
to disarm federal agencies
--The Spectrum

   US~Observer Print Edition Headlines

Entrapment of Schaeffer Cox?

The Federal Framing of Schaeffer Cox

"At my trial, the prosecution just told a scary story about what I might have done some day if they hadn't 'taken me out.' Then they tried to block the jury from seeing the truth about what I ACTUALLY DID DO in real life, i.e. told the agent provocateurs 'NO,' then packed up my family to move out of the country to get away from the coercive CIs and their death threat ultimatums." --Schaeffer Cox ... Read the story

The Federal Framing
of Schaeffer Cox


"Son Ruins Mother's Life"
DA Eric Nisley Assists


Habeas Denied in Faire
Murder Case - Ruling:
No Attorney for 6 Months 'Okay'


All Points Bulletin on
Henry Martinez

Multi-State Financial Scam
Investors Bilked out of $575k?

Monuments Move - Landowners Lose
A Surveyor's Dirty Little Secret

The War on Accountability
Jury Duty, Oh No... Oh Yes! Here's Why

Happy the book an innocent is finally released

   US~Observer Print Edition Headlines (Continued)


Public Defender's Office Seeks Volunteer Lawyers
--The Advertiser

FCC commissioner: U.S. tradition of free expresssion slipping away
--Washington Examiner

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort

Obama's war on coal hits democratic candidate for Gov. of Virginia hard

Man freed from prison wins $2.5 million verdict - police officers had lied about drugs
--St. Louis Today

Jury Acquits Woman Arrested for Protecting Her Dog from a Cop

New Hampshire House Passes Jury Nullification Bill, 184-145
--Tenth Amendment Center

FBI asks high schoolers, teachers to watch out for signs of student terrorism

Legalizing Weed Has Done What 1 Trillion Dollars and a 40 Year War Couldn't

Rep. Jason Chaffetz wants to take guns away from 'Rambo' BLM, Forest Service Agents
--Desert News

Wis. Gov. Scott Walker Signs Law Granting Authorites Broader Strip Search Powers
--Truth In Media

Almost half of newly-issued California driver's licenses went to illegal immigrants

Concealed carry permit holing customer fatally shoots ax-wielding attacker at 7-Eleven
--Fox News

Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest Contributions

The stupid things people do when their society breaks down

Devvy Kidd


After 10 Years, What Justice Thomas Said Is Huge For Gun Rights
--Frank Miniter, Forbes

The Crazy Injustice of Denying Exonerated Prisioners Compensation
--Jessica Pishko, San Francisco Mag

CMUs: Fed Prison System's Experiment in Social Isolation
--The Center for Constitutional Rights

But who will bell the cat?
--Edward Kroll, Library of Defense

Is Obama's Claim, "Islam Always Part of America" True?
--Keith Farrell, The Federalist Papers Project

Due Process is Dead: A Staggering 95% of All Inmates in America Have Never Received a Trial
--Claire Bernish, Free Thought Project

US~Obsrerver Joint Venture

Southern Oregon Home For Sale

US~Observer Newspaper

See the US~Observer
as it was printed!
(This is a large file.)

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