April 2007

Demanding Accountability

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Adopted Resolutions for
a Stronger America

The National Grange is the nation's oldest national agricultural organization, with grassroots units established in 3,600 local communities in 37 states. Its 300,000 members provide service to agriculture and rural areas on a wide variety of issues, including economic development, education, family endeavors, and legislation designed to assure a strong and viable Rural America. It was formed in the years following the American

Civil War to unite private citizens in improving the economic and social position of the nation's farm population. Over the past 137 years, it has evolved to include non-farm rural families and communities.

The Grange is also a fraternal order known as the Order of Patrons of Husbandry, hence the "P of H" on the organization's logo. Founding members determined that a fraternal organization would be best able to combine loyalty and democratic ideals to provide service to others. The National Grange was one of the first formal groups to admit women to membership on the basis of equality with men. It remains so today.

The 11-story landmark National Grange headquarters building in Washington, D.C. was dedicated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower on June 29, 1960, and is the only private edifice in a federal block across from the White House. It serves as a non-governmental headquarters for agricultural and rural families. A professional staff administers policies established annually by democratic Grange processes at local, county, and state levels.

National Grange Headquarters Building • 1616 H St. NW • Washington, DC 20006. Built in 1957 - The original headquarters was located on Lafayette Park.

Each year, a listing of more than 1,400 issues of concern is published and distributed by the National Grange.

Grange Resolution

Oppose the United Nations
Kyoto Protocol Treaty

Whereas: Industrial nations who adopt this treaty will be forced to cut back their energy emissions to seven percent below 1990 levels.

Whereas: The Kyoto Protocol Treaty only binds developed nations to draconian emission levels. It doesn’t include underdeveloped third-world nations such as China, India, Brazil, and Mexico. Eighty percent of future projected emissions growth will come from these countries, and the trade agreement makes it possible for United States manufacturing industries to transfer their production efforts to these third-world nations.

Whereas: A study by the United states Department of Energy’s Argonne Laboratory finds that the treaty will cripple six United states industries, including petroleum refining, paper, steel, chemical manufacturing, aluminum, and cement. Every single product that is produced by using energy will increase all current prices for items such as aspirin, tooth paste, housing, agriculture, farming, and all other industrial products. This will send our economy into a tailspin leading to a loss of jobs and additional cost to our welfare programs.

Whereas: The world’s environmental organizations such as Greenpeace, World Wildlife fund, Sierra club, etc., are demanding that the United States President and the United States Senate ratify the United Nations Kyoto Protocol Treaty because they believe greenhouse emissions are causing a global earth warming problem, which they claim is man-made and that we, the American people, must now suffer dire changes in our lifestyles to stop it.

Whereas: Those who are promoting the global warming theory by using computer models believe they can forecast changes in the global climate decades into the future by using only two out of the fourteen components that make up the world’s climate system.

Whereas: Volcanic eruptions, less than 100 per year throughout the world, play a large part in the cooling effect on the world’s atmosphere. The eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia in the year of 1816 was so bad they called it the year of no summer. Oceans and volcanoes play a larger part in the earth’s atmosphere than what is allowed by the environmental study groups.

Whereas: The recorded world temperature pattern, since the year 1880, does not fit with the carbon dioxide (CO2) greenhouse warming calculations. These recordings show yearly cooling and warming cycles. Scientific research using the U.S. government satellite and balloon measurements show that the temperature is cooling slightly - .037 degrees Celsius.

Whereas: In the year of 1992, just prior to the Earth Summit meeting held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 500 scientists from around the world signed the Heidelburg Appeal expressing their doubts about global warming and requested that the delegates make no treaties based on global warming. Today the number of scientists who do not believe there is a global warming has grown from 500 to 4,000. In the year of 1997, the United States rejected the United Nations Kyoto Protocol Treaty when it approved the Byrd-Hagel resolution by a vote of 95 to zero. There is no scientific evidence to support the environmentalists’ claim of man-made global warming.

Whereas: The global warming theory has all the ear markings of being a political movement to destroy the economy of the United States and give more ruling power to the one world United Nations government. It appears that the global warming theory may be one of the greatest hoaxes perpetrated on the people of this world. The earth is in balance from its very beginning when our Creator, God, stated His creation was good.

Therefore be it resolved: That the Oregon State Grange opposes the ratification of the United Nations Kyoto Protocol Treaty and requests that the U.S. President and U.S. Senate continue doing the same.

This resolution was adopted by the Deer Creek Grange #371 at its regular meeting held on May 8, 2006.

This resolution was adopted by the Oregon State Grange at its 133rd Annual Session held at Molalla, Oregon, week of June 19-23, 2006.

William D. Waggoner, Master
1920 Thompson Creek Rd.
Selma, OR 97538

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