April 2010

Demanding Accountability

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Grange Resolutions For A Stronger America
U.S. Gongressional H.R. 2352
"Consumer's Access to Health Information"

Whereas: The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has made it clear that they evaluate a myriad of evidence when deciding wheter to allow a health claim. For example, green tea helps to reduce prostate cancer risk by 73%.

Whereas: In the past, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has been censoring scientifically supported health information about food and dietary supplements.

Therefore be it resolved: That the Oregon State Grange supports the passage of the Consumers Access to Heath Information Act, H.R. 2352, which would amend the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act to ensure that:

1. Accurate health claims are not suppressed;

2. Consumers are given truthful and complete information about the curative, mitigation, treatment, and prevention effects of foods and dietary supplements on disease or health-related conditions;

3. The FDA honors the intent of the Congress not to censor accurate health claims.

This resolution was adopted by the Deer Creek Grange #371 at its regular meeting held on May 8, 2006.

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