July 2008

Demanding Accountability

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By Dalton Johnson

“You better learn to take care of yourself, because if you don’t, there isn’t anybody in this world that is going to be able to help you.” --Dr. Steven Irvine MD

According to a recent survey in a national health magazine, the # 1 cause of worry for adults is the thought of getting cancer. WORRY THEY SHOULD! One in four will experience cancer in their lifetime. This ratio is growing daily. The cost of treatment of cancer ranges on the average of $300,000 per patient.

If a cure for cancer could be found for a fraction of the current cost of treatment, mankind would benefit enormously. For your edification, only those physicians approved by the American Medical Assoc. (AMA) and the American Cancer Society have the legal authority to use the word "cure" with reference to cancer treatment.Anyone else who says that four letter word is looking at serious fines, if not jail time.

From time immemorial healthy people have held sick people hostage. Doctors, herbalists and clinicians keep information from common folks so that their businesses can grow and become more lucrative. The modern medical profession overlooks information on prevention. Instead it places its energy in making self-help and simple treatment illegal. With cancer, we can all relate to this broken record.

If you have cancer, you’ll spend $300,000 to $750,000 for treatment, NOT A CURE. The AMA and ACS are ‘for profit’ organizations. Their main function is to deflect public scrutiny of chemical industry pollution, and to funnel cancer victims into costly and ineffective chemotherapy. Just look into the board members and trustees who are CEOs of companies that make billions of dollars from cancer, its research and ‘treatment’.Can you say ‘conflict of interest?’

After borrowing, mortgaging and depleting any type of savings you may have rat-holed for your retirement, you come to find out, that, after enduring the deathly effects of chemotherapy, radiation treatments and mutilation of surgery, ’treatment’ doesn’t work; at least not for long. The ONLY acceptable and sanctioned way to treat cancer is with 1.Chemotherapy 2. Surgery and radiation. With the possible exception of surgery, these methods used by orthodox medicine are the worst and most destructive ways to treat cancer.

Senator Ted Kennedy, whose malignant tumor was excised by physicians at Duke University Medical Center on Monday, June 02, must now endure radiation and chemotherapy in an ATTEMPT to neutralize the stray cancer cells. According to an article in the Boston Globe on Kennedy’s situation, “Chemotherapy, when combined with surgery and radiation, adds at least several months to the lives of patients.” It goes on to state “a few weeks after surgery is completed a patient will begin receiving radiation and chemotherapy simultaneously. Typically, the course of radiation lasts six weeks, with five treatments each week.”

“Patients also start a daily dose of chemotherapy called temozomide, which comes in a pill. Once radiation is finished, patients continue taking the pills for at least the next six months.” The article fails to mention that the pill causes anemic reaction and has been shown to cause other types of cancer. If you accidentally break open the pill and get it on your skin, mouth, eyes, you must flush immediately with water and call the Poison Control Center. According to Dr. Patrick Wen, clinical director of the Center for Neuro-oncology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, in regards to Sen. Kennedy’s outlook, “Patients are living months longer or even a year, but it always comes back.” In all fairness to Sen. Kennedy’s doctors, they did tell him they couldn’t guarantee anything.

AMA and ASC have a ‘new ‘definition of the word “cure.” Five years is now the official sanctified and anointed recasting of the word. If you happen to die a day after five years due to cancer, or its complications, statistically you’re a ‘successful cure’. They can advertise and tout to the next shmuck coming thru their doors that they ‘cured’ cancer with their patented and expensive chemo, radiation and surgery.

More edification---- Your immune system, and the immune system alone, is responsible for healing and recovery from cancer. The use of drugs, vaccines and radiation is an assault on your immune system.

A study completed in 1993 by a German biostatistician, named Ulrich Able, found that the overall success rate for most cancers treated with standard treatment (chemo, radiation and surgery) was just 4%. An average of 96% of all cancer patients treated conventionally died of cancer or from complications related to their ‘treatment.’

What causes cancer? 98% of this great country has been deceived by the massive pharmaceutical propaganda machine that inoculates it’s deceit upon our schools, text books, magazines, professional journals, scientific writers, radio shows, TV, screen plays, movies and of course, the vast majority of doctors, nurses and other so called “health” professionals into a knee jerk acceptance of it’s lies as the gospel truth. Here is the truth from a doctor who knows what in the hell she’s talking about. With a record “cure” rate of 95% with people who have ADVANCED CANCER. Dr. Clark should have received numerous awards; instead she has been hounded by the same institutions that stand by the Hippocratic Oath. 'The Hippocratic Oath' states, "First do no harm."On Dr. Clark’s web site at www.drclark.net, you can learn about over 200 different types of cancer that she has had a 100% remission rate on. YOU can personally contact people who have the exact kind of cancer that you suffer from. From inoperable brain, breast, prostate, bone, liver, or lung cancer. YOU can and should ask these people the questions that YOU want answered. These are common folks that represent that 2% of our population that won’t allow being steamrolled into believing they are dying from cancer.

In 1979 she left government funded research and began private consulting. Within eleven years she noticed the clues as to the cause of cancer. ( In all due respect to arguably the greatest medical genius in all recorded history, Roy Raymond Rife, who discovered the cause and treatment with a 100% cure rate in 1932, we are going to stick with Hulda today.)

Dr. Clark found that all cancers are alike. From leukemia to breast cancer are caused by a single parasite! It’s called the humane intestinal fluke. According to Dr. Clark, if you kill this parasite the cancer stops immediately! Your tissues become normal again. To radiate a tumor you grew naturally to protect you is insane.

Dr. Clark has found that three herbs together can rid you of over 100 types of parasites which cause all sorts of maladies! Without a headache and nausea these herbs, Black Walnut Hulls, Wormwood and Common Cloves, do the trick. And, they do it without any interference with any drug that you are already on. This investigator has personally witnessed 6 people with 'terminal' cancer recover with all their parts using these methods.

Presently, I am observing a 76 year old man with prostate cancer.

(Don, with your attitude and the support of your beautiful wife, I ain't worried. God Bless You!)

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