July 2006

Demanding Accountability

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Judicial Corruption Arrogance – Part Four
The Eugene Forte Story

By R.S. Errol

Monterey County, California - Every American is entitled to their day in court so we are told. In reality many people have been raped by a system that is inbred with attorneys that feel privileged, and protected by court procedures. The Constitution of the United States, as I have written about in the past few months, is based on Common Law. Common law is in turned derived from the Ten Commandments, thereby centering itself in the application of justice based on right and wrong. Everyone that has reached the age of reason knows the difference between right and wrong, and realizes there is a price to pay for wronging their fellow man. This basic premise seems to be missing from today’s justice system. Patrick Buchanan once commented that the U. S. Justice Department as being the most corrupt organization in our government. There seems to be a pandemic at all levels of our justice system due to the fact that the perpetrators of injustice are unconcerned about the repercussions of doing wrong. How can this be true if honorable men are to sit in judgment of our citizenry?

For the past few segments of this report I have presented documented evidence of wrong doing against Gene Forte. In order to ensure the administration of justice is applied with an even hand wiser men, than I, created safeguards for our common protection. Laws were enacted to make it a crime not to report wrongdoing. A witness to a crime must report the crime to the proper authorities or suffer the consequences for the crime of omission. This tenet is systemic throughout the entire judiciary. In addition to this legal requirement an ethics code was established to ensure fairness in the judicial system.

This Code of Judicial Ethics was mandated to ensure corruption, prejudice, and racketeering did not exist and thrive in the halls of justice. Germane to this story is the California Code of Judicial Ethics and how this code has been totally disregarded in reference to Eugene Forte’s quest for fair treatment under the law. The code stipulates in Canon 3 that: A judge shall perform the duties of judicial office impartially and diligently.

Further it states in Canon 3B (5): A judge shall perform his judicial duties without bias or prejudice.

Under section 3D we find the following:

  1. Whenever a judge has reliable information that another judge has violated any provision of the Code of Judicial Ethics, the judge shall take or initiate appropriate corrective action, which includes reporting the violation to the appropriate authority.
  2. Whenever a judge has personal knowledge that a lawyer has violated any provision of the Rules of Professional Conduct, the judge shall take appropriate corrective action. An Advisory Committee Comment associated with this section of the code states that appropriate corrective action could include direct communication with the judge or lawyer who has committed the violation, other direct action if available, or a report of the violation to the…appropriate authority…Judges should note that in addition to the action required by Canon 3D (2), California law imposes additional reporting requirements regarding lawyers.

If this Canon was truly ingrained into our judiciary could reasonable men agree we would be living in a better world?

Throughout Eugene Forte’s legal journey he has tried to invoke the enforcement of the Code of Ethics in an attempt to find justice. Time and time again Forte notified local, state and federal officials of the corruption and arrogance that was pervasive in all of the departments of justice he became associated with. He wrote letters and called the FBI trying to bring attention to what he was experiencing. The same FBI that claimed they had no information concerning Arab men attending domestic flight schools prior to 9/11. He actually talked to an agent on the phone that declined to reveal his identify because of possible repercussions if he assisted Forte. Forte sent information to the local newspapers, The Monterey Herald and The Californian (Salinas, CA) but found no takers who would report the alleged corruption nor initiate an independent investigation. It appeared to Forte that everyone in a position to expose the corruption was either fearful of reprisals or comfortable with the status quo. Leon Panetta, a former Congressman, and President Clinton’s one time White House Chief of Staff approached Forte and told him to stop wasting time and money, and to move on. In so doing Panetta neglected to tell Forte that one of his relatives worked for the Fenton & Keller legal firm that was defending Crabb. So what protections did he have from the judicial tyranny that was thwarting his search for justice, and enabling those in power to continue manipulating the system for their collective benefit? Perseverance, integrity and a devoted spouse come to mind as I research this story, which in this case may be more than enough to expose the “good ole boy club” in Monterey County.

Forte had no choice but to become self-educated regarding the procedures that cloud the justice system from the common man. With the help of some backroom legal minds Forte has held the entire Monterey judiciary at bay, from the local county commissioner all the way up to the office of the state Attorney General and beyond.

Former Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice John F. Molloy waxes about the current day judicial system and how we are all victims of lawyer domination. In his book “The Fraternity”, he states “When a lawyer puts on a robe and takes the bench, he or she is called a judge. But in reality, when judges look down from the bench they are lawyers looking upon fellow members of their fraternity. In any other area of the free-enterprise system, this would be seen as a conflict of interest.” The Canon of Ethics was supposed to protect us from conflicts of interest but, apparently, its enforcement is non-existent in Monterey. This enforcement vacuum gives way to the judiciary corruption arrogance that Forte is fighting. His entire story evolves around a series of lawyers taking money on the premise of representing Gene then finding a way to dump the case without fear of repercussions form any agency. The local Bar Association is pretty much a joke as are most, if not all, Bar Associations. It is not unlike pimps overseeing whores or foxes protecting the henhouse. Gene could file a lawsuit against an attorney only to find that he must first file a complaint with the local Bar and hope to win sanctions. Likewise, he could file a lawsuit against a local judge or public official only if he filed a claim with the state or county agency first and had it denied. Gatekeepers, standing ready, to guard, protect and defend corrupt court officials in the event that a lawsuit was filed exposing one of their own as a cheat and a fraud. Closing ranks is a common defense for all scoundrels, be they wearing uniforms or wigs as in the mother of all Bar Associations, the Lawyers Guild of London.

Last edition I reported as to Gene’s contempt arrest and incarceration. If one applies the Canons of Ethics to the unconscionable behavior against Forte throughout his many appearances in Judge Robert O’Farrell’s courtroom a reasonable person should be appalled and concerned that it is happening and not being investigated. Most importantly they would be suspicious that it is allowed to exist in our system of justice without, as much as, a mention by our news media and investigative bureaus. Ten years ago former Presidential candidate Robert Dole asked “Where is the outrage?” concerning the corruption in the 1996 campaign. The question went unanswered even in the face of the Thompson Senate hearings that whitewashed the corruption. Will this corruption be swept under the carpet as well?

Most important is the total disregard of personal responsibility in reporting unethical behavior by the legal community of Monterey County. If it is a crime of omission to look the other way, and even more egregious for an attorney to ignore corruption, what is a person to do to expose this wanton behavior? The infamous Patriot Act was set up to protect Americans from our enemies. There was a movement afoot a few years back to encourage citizens to report suspicious behavior of their neighbors. Delivery persons were asked to report “spy” on their customers etc. In Monterey County there is massive evidence of suspicious behavior and no one with any influence seems to care that it is happening in their midst. Are Americans too busy to care or are they totally and purposely dumbed down to theirs rights and obligations under a Republican form of government?

In mid January 2006 there was outrage over a judges ruling in Vermont regarding a child rape case. One of the national news talk show hosts went ballistic over the apparent miscarriage of justice. Within a few weeks the judge reversed his first ruling to impose a more severe punishment on the perpetrator. That was good news, however, a former Massachusetts Bar Association president, Ed Ryan, stated on television, “A wholesale impeachment of judges would undermine the judicial system.” Here we have a lawyer telling us to leave well enough alone. Is it better to have corrupt judges and courts or should the people expose, impeach and prosecute to the fullest these rogues?

Next time the story will focus on Forte’s lawsuit against Judge O’Farrell and the repercussions this sort of action will bring to bear.

In the meantime visit Gene’s website: www.attorneybusters.com for more detail of his struggles and accomplishments.

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