March 2006

Demanding Accountability



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The Lariat
“Fraud” Group
Where Have Our Responsible Law Enforcement Gone?

By Edward Snook
Investigative Reporter

Two editions ago we published an article titled, “The Lariat Group, Another Debt Elimination Scam.” This article garnered quick attention from the absolutely fraudulent directors of this criminal enterprise. They were quick to send the US~Observer a “demand for retraction” letter which we publisher in our last edition. Obviously we denied their demand letter. The director’s names are Robert Chamberlain (the King-Pin), Gary Douglas Holmes and Butch McIntyre.

The US~Observer is continuing to receive complaints from victims of the Lariat Group’s fraud. Generally they are women, some of whom report to have been financially destroyed by this trio who claim they are in the Lord’s service as they convince people they can eliminate the debt they have accrued. In other words and according to these deceitful individuals, people can simply wipe out debt that they have agreed to pay in return for mortgages, credit cards, etc. My bible states that Satan is the father of all lies, so it is an easy chore to conclude that they are simply lying about serving God in order to more easily infiltrate their victim’s pocketbooks and bank accounts, all for their own gain.

In February, 2006 the US~Observer was informed that the Lariat Group had decided to stop their programs due to the bad publicity provided by the US~Observer. We went to their web-site and found the following:

“From The Director’s Desk:

The Directors regret to inform our members, that the Lariat Group is going to phase out of operation.

This is primarily due to circumstances brought about by egregious privacy violations, malicious and unfounded accusations. Our continuing desire is for our members’ success, but at this point, it has been decided that it's in the best interests of all the members for the ministry of the Lariat Group to come to a close.”

First off, the Lariat Group’s only “ministry” is to deceive people into a state of mind where they are able to openly steal from them. Amazingly we were informed in March, 2006 that the Lariat Group was actually continuing their fraudulent solicitations of seemingly unwary people. The following email was sent to Lariat Group members on March 3, 2006 by the same Directors that stated (above) they were going to cease operations:

Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 6:22 AM
Subject: Mortgage Release Program update from Gary Holmes

Happy Friday Everyone!

Here is the latest update regarding the Mortgage Release Program from the Dorean Group. This only needs to be reviewed if you are a participant or a referring member to assist a participant. The contact information to reach Dr Fred, Scott and Kurt is enclosed with this update for your convenience and use. We are prayerful of a successful conclusion and judgment in favor of all the participants, please continue to be positive and pray for the same result as it will not be too much longer before we here the news. Great success in all that we do!

In His service,


We were sent another email dated March 8, 2006 from Lariat Group Director Gary Holmes to Lariat Group members regarding affiliate program (fraud) “Mortgage Alternatives.” The head of this group states, “As I had indicated in the previous update letter, we had “guardedly” hoped that something would have been in place by February but that will not be the case.” Here we go again, it’s always next month, in the near future, pray about it, let’s hope something happens soon, etc. Wake up people (future victims of fraudulent scams); if something sounds too good to be true…it is, 99% of the time. All you are buying into when you associate yourself with scam artists is a program wherein you will hear excuse after excuse after excuse and then you will realize they have stolen your hard earned money.

Please note that the Lariat Group has attempted to disguise themselves by claiming they are just brokers attempting to direct people to debt elimination programs. Make no mistake; they are making untold thousands of dollars off their end of the scams they present their customers! In every program that scam artists get people to buy into, there is one common denominator: the programs never work and when debt is scheduled to be eliminated or money is due it never happens. Then the fraud promoters begin their long line of excuses. We see this in the above emails sent by Lariat Group Director Gary Holmes: “We are prayerful of a successful conclusion and judgment in favor of all participants.” See what I mean? And what about, “it will not be too much longer before we hear the news.” The truth is all participants have been literally screwed. They bought into a scam and now they are told to “be positive and pray.”

The US~Observer has been exposing similar scams for years and it’s time that law enforcement gets with the program and prevents the Lariat Group’s number of victims from escalating. Attorney General Hardy Myers office was notified months ago, as was the IRS and FBI. All have apparently been too busy chasing their tails to stop this illegal activity. With each new victim the listed agencies must share in the culpability. Please go to our “Letters to the Editor” section of this edition and hear what the public has to say about the “godly” Lariat Group.

Please see our previous article:

The Lariat Group: Another Debt Elimination Scam?

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