March 2008

Demanding Accountability

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Oregon Grange
Support the Oregon State University Appointed State Climatologist

Whereas:  In the year of 1991, the Oregon State Legislature created a State Climate Office at Oregon State University.  In order to avoid political interference with the process, the legislature delegated the appointment of this office to the Oregon State University.

Whereas:  The Oregon State University appointed George Taylor as State Climatologist, and he has held this position since the year of 1991.  Mr. Taylor is a two-time president of the American Association of State Climatologists.

Whereas:  Mr. Taylor has stated his scientific opinion that most of the slight global warming we have seen in recent decades is the result of natural climate variation.  Today the number of scientists who do not believe there is a global warming is upwards of 4,000 and growing.  In the year of 1997, a Gallop Poll was taken that shows 83 percent of the American climatologists disagree with the man-made global warming theory.

Whereas:  Governor Ted Kulongoski claims that Mr. Taylor’s opinion undermines the state’s stated goal of preventing global warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  The governor wants to take the title of State Climatologist and make it a cabinet position appointed by him.  State Senator Brad Avakian is sponsoring a bill to give the governor the power to appoint the State Climatologist.  If this happens, the State Climatologist will become a rubber stamp to whatever the governor’s policies are.  The greatest problem with elected politicians is that they are not climatologists, and they find themselves being persuaded by junk science.

Whereas:  True science shows that the earth’s atmosphere is made up of “greenhouse gases” that are mainly carbon dioxide, methane, hydrocarbons, aerosols, and above all, water.  Although carbon dioxide, which comes from the burning of petroleum, coal and wood is getting all the attention in the greenhouse discussion, water vapor and droplets in the clouds are the main greenhouse gas.   Water is responsible for 98 percent of all greenhouse warming, and the other gases are minor compared to water.

Therefore be it resolved:  That the Oregon State Grange supports the Oregon State University’s right to appoint the state’s climatologist and opposes any laws by the state legislature which would do away with this right.

This resolution was adopted by the Deer Creek Grange #371 at its regular meeting held on April 9, 2007.

William D. Waggoner, Master
1920 Thompson Creek Road
Selma, OR  97538

Delaine Sherman, Secretary
P.O. Box 871
Selma, OR  97538


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