May 2006

Demanding Accountability

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Gold Hill Recall Success
Recall Signatures Certified –
Election Scheduled

By Edward Snook
Investigative Reporter

Gold Hill, Oregon – On January 31, 2006, a recall petition was filed in Jackson County against three conspiring city councilors by Gold Hill resident Scott Baker. Baker took on the effort to recall councilors Gus Wolf, Donna Silva, and Jan Fish out of a much warranted need to clean up city government in Gold Hill.
The petition required that 61 registered voters sign it in order to make a subsequent recall election a reality. Petition gatherers had 90 days to collect the required number of valid signatures.

Signature Gathering Successful

According to Jackson County Clerk Kathy Beckett, by April 20, 2006, the clerk’s office had received the required number of signatures on each councilor to call for a recall election. Beckett has scheduled the election for May 23, 2006, wherein Gold Hill voters will have the opportunity to recall three councilors who have made a complete mockery out of their city government. Gus Wolf, Jan Fish, and Donna Silva will have five days to resign and save the taxpayers hundreds
of dollars and further embarrassment for themselves, or they can choose to write a response as to why they shouldn’t be recalled and force an election.

Councilor’s Attacks On Police Department Fail

The US~Observer has covered the ongoing turmoil in Gold Hill over the past 4 months. Our investigation has shown that councilors Gus Wolf, Donna Silva, and Jan Fish have made an all out, yet unsuccessful, effort to demonize and demoralize the Gold Hill City Police Department. City Recorder Mary Goddard, appointed Judge Don Leahan, and lap dog reporter for the Medford Mail Tribune Sanne Specht, have clearly aided and abetted the three rogue city councilors in their underhanded efforts. All complaints against the department have proved groundless and clearly false. A great majority of local residents have openly shown support for their police department and its Chief, Dean Muchow.

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