May 2009

Demanding Accountability

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Letters to the Editor

Oregon Tea

Dear Editor,

The tea party in Wallowa County had a very good turn-out. Our population is 7500 and we had 110+ come out in freezing cold wind to unite in a message of " no more spending andtaxes" and show their love for their ountry. It was "awesome"! La Grand is having theirs at this moment and a call from that area indicated approximately 250 showed up. It is a college town, but very high unemployment.

I have attached some pictures I took at the Wallowa County tea party. Use as you like.

Best Regards,

Vicki Fleshman

Gary Holmes' Scam Continues

Hi There

I have been looking for information on Gary D Holmes from Financial Hope. Only when I found his partner’s name Eddie Salas, I was able to find something that gives me real information. I was approached to join financial hope and although the program seems to make sense, it is simply too good to be true. So I started to do some research and found basically not anything really, except your article now, which is troublesome.

I am sure you know how this program works; I was recruited by a member on a very reputable professional networking site in South Africa; I have my own business and am looking at obtaining funding to grow my business. The person that recruited me told me today that I am welcome to google Gary D Holmes, Eddie Salas and Estelle Thresher (who has recruited him in South Africa). As I said above before entering Eddie Salas name with that of Gary D Holmes I was not able to find anything and up to this point I have only found your article. Is there anymore articles; as a member of the professional networking group I feel obliged that is there is anymore information on Gary Holmes, Eddie Salas and Financial Hope, I need to inform the network as soon as possible; I need more information though.

I am hope to hear from you soon.

Kindest regards

Hermien Kriek

Patriotic Opportunity

Keep up the momentum!

State legislatures are passing resolutions demanding that the Federal government obey the Constitution, specifying the supremely important 9th and 10th Amendments, and in many cases they have included the 2nd Amendment. So far almost 30 State legislatures have approved such resolutions, and a number of other states are considering similar resolutions.

Pressure on State legislatures by local patriot groups has finally awakened the voters due in large part to public concern about the present economic crisis and the government's pro-banker response to it. We should all work in our own communities to keep up public interest in supporting the Constitution and its reliance on State and local resistance to illegal Federal intrusion and domination in local and State affairs, the areas where the Constitution expected self-government by the people to function. We should keep up public interest now that the voters have been aroused ... keeping up the momentum with additional proposals by State legislatures on other vitally-important national issues involving Federal violations of the Constitution, such as:

• we should urge State legislatures to denounce the ongoing Federal conspiracy to illegally create a "North American Union (aka PPI)". This should be denounced as an ongoing criminal conspiracy against the Constitution and the people of the United States ... a secret criminal conspiracy promoted by the previous Bush administration and apparently being continued by the Obama administration

• we should urge State legislatures to denounce the illegal and un-Constitutional methods of the Bush administration to assert Presidential authority by Executive Orders and Signing Exceptions which have the effect of legislating on issues which properly fall within the authority of the States, or of Congress, not that of the President.

• we should urge State legislatures to denounce any Federal effort to impose a Police State on our nation. This could include confirmation of the fact that in his county the authority of the local Sheriff is superior to that of any Federal agent or Federal police. (We are also urging local patriots to band together in support of their Sheriff against any Federal efforts to dominate and control him under Federal authority.)

There are many other Constitutional issues on which State legislatures could assert themselves, such as the Federal threat to abolish "habeas corpus" ... the issue of whether (or not) Obama is really an American citizen as required by the Constitution ... many others.

But we are now at an important historic moment: a moment when a long-apathetic and indifferent American public has finally awakened to the fact that our Constitution puts the responsibility squarely on their shoulders to guide the American Ship-of-State on the right course ... not to allow corrupt special interests to use the American government for their own selfish purposes. The individual States, in response to the wishes of their citizens, have superior authority to that of the Federal government. In fact the Federal government is the creation of the collective States by means of the Constitution, and therefore it can not be the master of its own creators. Simple as that.

This is a unique opportunity which may never occur again. Now is the time for patriots to stand up in their communities and ask their fellow-citizens to join together in sending a delegation to the State capitol to urge their representatives to act as the true representatives of the American people by voting for resolutions to save our Constitution, our self-government and our free nation under God.

God save America.

Earl B. Wilson - RSG

Broken Appeals Process

Hello US~Observer,

Question; in doing investigative reporting, we’re curious if anyone has brought up the appeals process to you? You are well aware of the plea bargain scam that creates the over burdened appeals court, the appeals process is a joke.

Consider this - the money the state receives for convictions, could be spent years ahead of the convicted persons actual incarceration date, meaning the release date cannot be moved up. It’s as if the defense lawyers, as you know, give the run around, which has to be for some, a character depleting action, as a way to push the timeline forward. No conviction shall be overturned before it’s time.

The prosecuting attorneys are not held accountable for their actions when they abuse the law to get the convictions; they are rewarded, as on Wall Street. The burden placed on the families, emotional yes, but financially the cost of an appeal with the l-o-n-g time frame runs far greater that the initial so called defense; all because of over budget spending.

Lawyers don’t do their job because they know ahead of time the details don’t matter, they are not prepared, do no investigations, you have to do all the work, get witnesses etc., and pay them for it. I know you are aware of this as well, so I’ll not rant.

I have been working on an article for sometime, it has so many angles though, I’m finding it hard to stay on one slant. However, I continue to write. If you have any information or stance on this issue, please respond, we’re desperate.

The money spent is mind blowing as are the number of lawyers. The malingering justice system, well, again you are aware. The feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and fear are burdening, we’re at the end of our rope. Thank you for your time in reading this letter, looking forward to a reply.

Most sincerely,

Jodie Cowan &
Phil Moskios

Edward Snook’s Note: I completely understand your dire straights. Our entire criminal court system is completely broken – corrupted. It has absolutely nothing to do with justice anymore unless it someone’s special interest or agenda and it must be totally revamped from top to bottom. I would call it a complete joke.

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