September 2007

Demanding Accountability



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US~Observer Equals Truth

Dear Sirs;

I have subscribed to your Observer for many years, but I am on a fixed income and I just can not afford ir any more. I am hell-bent for the truth and your magazine has that. I am 77 years old and I have never seen America in this condition before. God help us. God bless you people.

Howard Campbell
Winston, OR

Editor's Note: God bless you, Howard. You are the recipient of our "Subscriber of the Year" award and will recieve a lifetime subscription to the US~Observer!


To the Editor:

We are "The Golden Goose" that is being prepared for the "Kill".

How? The NAFTA / NAU Superhighway.

China and their allies are moving forward with plans to build the NAFTA/NAU Superhighway, from the Mexican West Coast through and to the American Heartland, in Kansas. From there the goods of China will be spread throughout the U.S. and Canada. These goods are so cheap that the wages of the workers in the U.S. and Canada will be lowered to a point that the masses of the citizens of the U.S. and Canada will not be able to buy anything.

They are after "The Market / The Money".

If they are successful in building the NAFTA/NAU Superhighway, life in the U.S. and Canada as we know it, will end.

Is there a way to defend ourselves? Yes. Stop buying goods from China. Kill their "Market" and the incentive to come will go away.

To save ourselves we must buy from other sources, buy used if we have to, or even go without!

John Sweeney
Portland, OR

Jurors’ Rights
and Duties

Dear Editor,

Thank you so much for your article, “Jurors’ True Duties.”

I was recently on a jury in Grants Pass and had the pleasure of watching exactly what you wrote about. I had no idea that our courts had become so corrupt.

There is one Not Guilty person out here thanks to your information. Please keep up your fine work and please don’t publish my name for obvious reasons.



Deadly Force -
Government's Control Method?


A lot of people think it's exaggerating or being melodramatic to say that EVERY command from "government" is a threat of violence, backed by the ability and willingness to use deadly force. The main reason it doesn't look that way is because most people immediately cave in and comply with government demands ("laws"), so the violence backing it up is never seen.

Imagine an armed car-jacker using the following defense when put on trial: "Hey, I didn't ever shoot anyone, or even hit anyone. I just said some words, and they all GAVE me their cars! I didn't use violence." If the words he used were "Give me your car or I'll blow your brains out," I think we'd all agree that that constitutes violence. The THREAT of force--stating that you WILL use violence if someone doesn't do what you say--is by itself a form of violence. No one with a brain would claim that car-jacking is perfectly fine if the crook has never ACTUALLY shot anyone (but only threatened to).

Nonetheless, the violence inherent in ALL involuntary "taxation" goes unnoticed by most people, simply because in most cases, the violence never actually occurs--people "comply" in order to AVOID the nasty things threatened by the feds. However, for a reality check, it's helpful for people to be able to see, every once in a while, the true colors of so-called "tax collectors," and that only happens when someone resists.

I was merely put in prison for a year, but even that is a very deceptive indicator of how vicious and violent the "law enforcers" truly are. I went along with being put in a cage in order to avoid the ultimate "trump card" behind EVERY "law" or EVERY "government": murder. If you doubt that, you need only look to an example of someone who DIDN'T go along with the federal terrorists. I'm speaking, of course, of Ed and Elaine Brown.

Does anyone need machine-guns and tanks in order to ask nicely for a voluntary contribution? Are SWAT teams and sneak attacks required to collect "donations"? No. The IRS, the ATF, and all "tax collectors," are gangs of armed robbers, willing to murder those who do not give in. Again, we rarely SEE the true colors of these gangs of inhuman monsters, because almost everyone caves in quickly in order to AVOID having the really nasty stuff happen to them.

I have heard that there are indications that the feds are escalating their "presence" near the Browns' house. Setting aside authoritarian euphemisms, what that means is that they are getting closer to using overt violence to either capture or kill the Browns. And since Ed Brown has made it clear that he won't go quietly, it's pretty darn obvious that if they go in, the feds have every intention of MURDERING him.

For what? For not giving them a piece of his paycheck. Let's pretend for a minute that the Browns legally owed the "taxes" in question, and let's even pretend that the Browns THOUGHT they owed the tax (neither of which is true). Even if they said "Yeah, we owe it, but we're not paying," would that make it okay to MURDER them?

In his brilliant writings, Lysander Spooner constantly described government agents as "bands of thieves and murderers," which to most people would seem a little harsh and over-the-top. But the Browns are performing the public service of PROVING that that is EXACTLY what authoritarian "law enforcers" are: people who forcibly rob people, and who are willing to commit MURDER against those who resist. Of course, if no one ever resists, we never get to actually SEE just how evil the parasite thugs really are.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it." [John Hay]

Whatever someone thinks of Mr. Brown personally, or of any unorthodox tax-related beliefs, it is good for Americans to be forced to face the question: Is it okay to MURDER people for not paying the government's "protection" fees? If you say "yes," you deserve any level of enslavement and oppression "authority" can impose upon you. If you say "no," then ALL "taxation"--however many layers of euphemisms and platitudes the truth is buried under--is an intolerable evil.

Some people are going as far as volunteering to use defensive force to try to prevent the murder of Mr. Brown. Amazingly, those people are then publicly demonized--and when possible, arrested--by the hypocritical, power-happy, murderous, machine-gun-toting fascists who are willing to COMMIT the murder. Mr. Brown is in his house, surrounded by a bunch of heavily-armed enemies, who are there with the obvious goal of capturing or killing him (knowing that the former is extremely unlikely), but when someone tries to come to the aide of Mr. Brown, to protect him from the aggressors, that person is arrested for being a nasty criminal. This shows just how insane the belief in "authority" can make people: armed robbery and murder are okay because they're (supposedly) "legal," but using defensive force against thieves and murderers is evil (if they call themselves "government").

Well, if that is the case, then I'm proud to be rooting for the evil side. Only the belief in "authority" can brainwash people so thoroughly that they can see the guy who is being ROBBED as the criminal, and the ROBBERS as the good guys. Such is the power of the most dangerous superstition.

Not surprisingly, the thieves and murderers want things happening quietly, which is why they've cut off the Brown's phone lines and internet. Personally, I'd love to see a thousand eyes all around the place, always watching, always recording, always spreading the truth. If the U.S. Marshals, the New Hampshire Sheriffs, and any other "authorities" involved actually believe that THEY are the good guys, wouldn't they WANT lots of people watching? Wouldn't they WANT the whole thing to be open and public, so their nobility and righteousness would be plain for all to see? They are the criminals, and they know it. They just want the rest of the country to remain so indoctrinated and clueless that the Browns will look like the "criminals"--dead criminals, if "government" once again has its way (as it did in the cases of Waco, Ruby Ridge, Gordon Kahl, and many others most people have never heard of).

Not surprisingly, most people don't really want to go up against the most powerful regime the world has ever known. But at least let he who has eyes SEE what is going on, and once again the "law enforcers" will be shown for what they are: as Lysander Spooner put it, "a band of thieves and murderers."


Larken Rose

(P.S. I have no idea what the physical layout of the surrounding area is, but if Mr. Brown's house is visible from anyone else's property, I hope they have 24-hour video surveillance going--infrared if possible.)

Measure 37?

Dear Editor:

Why is our Oregon Democrat Governor and his cohorts ignoring voters’ support and passing of Oregon Measure 37? Oregon courts ruled it constitutional. George Orwell’s book, Animal Farm fits them perfectly. Lowly voters just don’t understand what they voted for. Mister Pig and his cohorts know best, making a mockery and serfs of Oregon taxpayers.

Not one Oregon Republican Senator or Oregon Republican House Member voted for Oregon’s Measure 49. They had the facts. Doesn’t this tell you something is wrong? I thank them for standing firm for we the people. Oregon voters get the facts! M49 is really a trap at your own expense! This bill affects your rights as a property owner. In my opinion, their ads favoring M49, sound too good to be true. Haven’t you heard this old statement before? This bill did not get due process. The ballot title is written to mislead the Oregon voters. Isn’t is sickening to stand by and watch, each time we pass a ballot measure, to have our government tell us it can’t be that way and we must revise the passed LAW!

After listening to David Hunnicutt of Oregonians in Action speak, it is my understanding, if M49 passes with a yes vote and your land, farm or otherwise, ever comes into any dispute you will pay the cost of your appraiser and your attorney. In addition you will also be responsible to pay the costs of the county’s appraiser and the county’s attorney. If the case is decided in your favor, none of those costs will be reimbursed to you.

Let history open minds not to be led down the destructive ruts that past civilizations suffered. What good is education if we continue to repeat history? Please vote one more time to protect our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and our way of life. Don’t let Orwell’s Mister Pig and cohorts fool you. Vote NO on measure 49.


Lyle Woodcock
Josephine County, OR

Vote NO
on Measure 50

Dear Editor:

I am a non-smoker, so when I first heard about Measure 50, the Healthy Kids Program, I thought it sounded like a great idea. It's supposed to help kids, like the ones I see every day in my first grade classroom. I'm writing you today because I was shocked to learn about the details of this plan to amend our constitution for a cigarette tax.

While doing some research, I read an analysis of the Healthy Kids Program that the state's budget experts drafted. I was astonished to discover that over 70% of the new tax money will NOT be expended for the Healthy Kids Program. The legislature shouldn't call it "Healthy Kids" if less than 30% of the money will actually go to the kids.

The legislature also set aside, as unexpended, $65 million of the new tax revenue to spend on whatever health care expenses it wants. To me, that's just a blank check that will probably be written to state health care contractors like HMOs, health insurance companies or hospitals for bigger reimbursement payments.

Another loophole you should know about is the fact that the state will hand out no-bid contracts to health insurance companies and HMOs to run most of Measure 50's new health care programs. I have to shop for the best values, and the state should too.

As you'll read in the ballot title, Measure 50 is a constitutional amendment that puts a cigarette tax in Oregon's Constitution. It would be the first time our constitution was amended to create a tax on a single product. The legislature should not use the constitution to pass a new tax. A tobacco tax simply does not belong in our constitution.

Finally, a recent independent economic analysis based on state data shows that we can't continue these new programs without additional tax dollars. The analysis shows that over the eight years after the program is fully implemented, tobacco tax revenues will decline by 2.2%, while the cost of these programs will rise 128%. The tax revenues that Measure 50 would raise won't cover the costs of the new programs. Who and what will be taxed to pay for these new programs?

After doing some research, the decision was easy for me. Please join me in voting against Measure 50. No one should say Measure 50 is "for the kids" when it really isn't.


Ben Matthews
Salem, OR


To the Editor;

Buried in the September 5 issue of the Federal Register, was a notice that this Thursday, September 20, the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) will hold public hearings on their ¨Secure Flight Plan.¨

Come with me into a nightmare world where American citizens will have to obtain permission from the government before they can travel by air in the U.S.

Your government - meaning the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) - is up to no good.

Beginning in February 2008, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will implement their ¨Advance Passenger Information System (APIS),¨ the gist of which is that you will need permission from the United States Government to travel on any air or sea vessel that goes to, from or through the U.S. The travel companies will not be able to issue a boarding pass until you are cleared by DHS. This applies to ALL passengers, US citizens and visitors alike. And how do you get said permission to travel? That´s for your government to know and you to never find out.

Now TSA proposes to do for domestic travel what APIS will do for international routes. That´s what I said: the new TSA rule would require that you obtain PERMISSION to travel within the U.S.

Here is the summary of their proposed rules, which seem so reasonable, couched as they are in the blandness of governmenteez [emphasis added].

• The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA) requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to assume from aircraft operators the function of conducting pre-flight comparisons of airline passenger information to Federal Government watch lists for international and domestic flights.
• This rule proposes to allow TSA to ... receive passenger and certain non-traveler information, conduct watch list matching ... and transmit boarding pass printing instructions back to aircraft operators.
• TSA would do so in a consistent and accurate manner while minimizing false matches and protecting privacy information.
• We propose that, when the Secure Flight rule becomes final, aircraft operators would submit passenger information to DHS through a single DHS portal for both the Secure Flight and APIS programs. This would [result] in one DHS system responsible for watch list matching for all aviation passengers.

Don´t you feel great knowing that your government will use economies of scale to protect you?

Edward Hasbrough states that these rules are more insidious than merely complying to demands for ‘Your papers please.’ He states, “The proposal ... require[s] that travellers display their government-issued credentials not to government agents but to airline personnel (staff or contractors), whenever the DHS orders the airline to demand them. But since the orders to demand ID of [certain passengers] will be given to the airline in secret, ... travellers will have no way to verify whether ... demands for ID are actually based on government orders.”

Think about that: you will not be allowed to verify if the person demanding your papers is actually authorized to do so. In addition, the airlines or their contractors (or sub or even sub sub contractors) have the right, under the proposed rules, to do anything they like with your personal information including:

Keep copies of your passport ... as long as they like, use it, publish it, broadcast it, sell it, rent it, or pass it on to whomever they please.... [T]hey would have no obligation to get your permission for any of this.

Aside from the privacy issue, this is the DHS. Their past performance is an indication of future returns and we can look forward to true travel nightmares beginning February 19, 2008. Just think about the mess that occurred when CBP demanded that travelers to Canada and Mexico have a passport. Multiply that by orders of magnitude to imagine what travelers will be facing.

You have until October 22, 2007 to submit written comments through the Docket Management System. The docket number is TSA-2007-28572.

The Identity Project at Papers Please is working to prevent your government from robbing you of your right to privacy in your movements.

Blue Patriot Woman

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