September 2009

Demanding Accountability

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Counselor/Court Abuse
Monica Henrich's bid to get her kids back

By Ron Lee
Investigative Reporter

Grants Pass, OR - Monica Henrich is allowed to spend one hour, on one day a week with her children, thanks to one local judge's ruling in favor of social worker Kim Brouhard, granting her exclusive say in determining Monica's custody and visitation rights.

Monica has been forced into supervised visits even though she has no criminal record - whatsoever. She has successfully jumped through every hoop that Brouhard and the court has thrown at her, and still, she is forced to be apart from her children.

All this because Monica initially walked into court, for a custody hearing she called, without a lawyer. Her ex-husband’s lawyer was and is, allegedly, a good friend of the judge.

Since our involvement, it has been reported that Brouhard has a pattern of withholding visitations and parental rights from others as well.

We will be vehemently pursuing a just and rightful outcome for Monica - uniting her with her children.


Idaho Attorney A. Bruce Larson

By Edward Snook
Investigative Reporter

IDAHO – The US~Observer has received complaints leveled at Idaho attorney A. Bruce Larson regarding improper billing practices as well as fairly serious accusations of ethics violations.

We have been informed that Larson will be seeking a judgeship in Idaho in the not too distant future and therefore we are obligated to the public to conduct a thorough investigation of this attorney.

Larson practices out of Soda Springs, Idaho and Pocatello Idaho as well. Larson was admitted to the Idaho State Bar in 1977 and claims to practice “law” in the fields of Real Estate, Local Land Use, Litigation, Criminal Law, Family Law and Estate Planning.

If you have any information about this attorney, please contact Edward Snook at:


We would like to thank all of those who have come forward thus far.

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