May 2009

Demanding Accountability

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Putting God Back in Government

By Bill Hale

"We need to have people in our government who have Morals, Ethics, and Virtue. For without these critical elements that provide us with a compass through life, our government cannot perform in the best interest of the people."

We have now a majority of people in the Courts, Congress, and the Executive branch of government, who have no Morals, Ethics and of course no Virtue. (You cannot have Virtue without Morals and Ethics.) The Courts are making laws instead of enforcing them. Congress passes record spending Bills without reading them and changes regulations and laws without any meaningful debate. The Executive Branch promotes people who have knowingly broken various laws of our country into high positions of power. These same people are now exploiting this Nation through economic controls and other manipulation that violates their Oaths to office and to the Constitution. Our Government is out of Control and Corrupt. Therefore, we must elect people into office who have a strong belief in God and have shown through their words and deeds, that they have a strong compass of life. Their Morals and Ethics must be sound, and thus their Virtue is clear to everyone who sees them.

The greatest argument we face is the argument for the separation of church and state. So I ask, what is the relationship between religion and God? Religion is the "Pathway" to God. And all religions have different paths to the same destination. So it does not matter which path you are on as long as the journey fulfills your needs to arrive at your destination. Our founding fathers knew this and that is why they wrote into our founding documents that the federal government cannot tell you which pathway to take. And yet we are the only nation to declare that there is a God and everyone has God given rights which supersedes man. So the argument of keeping God out of government/politics is a false one. For God created America through the work and sacrifice and wisdom of our founding fathers. And thus the greatest nation on the earth was born.

So now we have a clear choice. Do we keep God out of Government and therefore fail? Or do we put God back in, as he belongs, and succeed. I chose success! What say you?

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