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Minns - AAA - IRS Triumphs and Tears
A Continuing
Tax Case Saga

Motive and Intent,
Randy Gray's False Criminal Prosecution

is at it again...

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as it was printed!
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Curt Chancler
Curt Chancler

Devvy Kidd

Michael Minns

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Dr. Kathy Marshack
Dr, Kathy

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Ted Williams

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J.M. Appleton
J.M. Appleton

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Nathan Wente

Anya Bennett
Anya Bennett

Lorne Dey
Lorne Dey

<<< FREE AT LAST? Bail, new trial for man who served 20 years for murder--Fox >>>
CONFIRMED: The DEA Struck A Deal With Mexico's Most Notorious Drug Cartel --Business Insider

   US~Observer Editor Picks

Watch Your Fellow Citizens
Agree To Repeal
The Third Amendment

--Personal Liberty

Cops Found Not Guilty
in Beating Death of
Homeless Mentally Ill Man


Supreme Court to decide
if U.S. Forest Service
land grab is legal

--Washington Times

Man killed after dispute
over texting in theater


   US~Observer Print Edition Headlines

Nye County Corruption - Shadow Government

US~Observer Client
"Not Guilty"

Gold Hill, OR - Harassed, assaulted, hospitalized and arrested are just a few words used to describe what Daniel Young has endured - all while trying to protect his family on their own property. On February 21, 2013, almost 7 years after disputes with neighbors arose over the use of an easement... More...

Donna Kozak
Tax Protestor Trap -
And Resulting Nightmare
Patrick O'Neil
Wrestling Champ O’Neil
a Serial Rapist?
Innocent Referee in Prison?
Daniel and Susan Young
The Corruption in Nye County,
Nevada Targets Shirley Matson”

• Republican Form of
Government: It’s the
Constitution Stupid, Part 2

• Rape accuser proven false,
now found guilty of murder

• Grants Pass, OR
is as Corrupt as Chicago?

• West Palm Beach
corruption and cover-up -
The Jamie Clark Case

• U.S. vs Dehlinger
Minns Takes Argument
to the 4th Circuit

• Josephine County, OR
Commissioner Cherryl Walker
is facing a recall effort

Lorne Dey Featured Commentary
Lorne Dey is wondering...

Where is the Person of Principle?

   Daily Breaking Mainstream Headlines


Southern Oregon Home For Sale

   US~Observer Print Edition Headlines (Continued)


How America's Judges Are Being Bought Out
--National Journal

Family of Criminals Want to Sue Hero Who Stopped Them
--Eagle Rising

Citizens take law into own hands after cash-strapped Ore. county guts sheriff's office
--Fox News

Armed Guard Saved Students' Lives in Arapahoe School Shooting

Heartbroken Mother: Healthy Teenage Son Died After Routine Flu Shot
--Fox News

Hearings Demonstrate Absurdities of Asset Forfeiture
--Huffington Post

Judge approves $350,000 settlement of Oklahoma DHS lawsuit

Oregon Farmers May Go to Prison for Raw Milk Ads

Former Williamson County Prosecutor Ken Anderson Enters Plea to Contempt for Misconduct in Michael Morton’s Wrongful Murder Conviction

Secession Movement Growing In Two Surprising States

Virginia court declares Johnathon Montgomery an innocent man
--Daily Press

Personal Liberty Digest

Personal Liberty Digest Contributions

What drives the culture of greed and immorality?
--Bob Livingston, Personal Liberty Digest

The Jobs Report Is A Phony
--Wayne Allyn Root, Personal Liberty Digest

Massachusetts Crime Lab Scandal Reveals Drug War Corruption
--Bob Livingston, Personal Liberty Digest

Hospitals Are The New Prisons - Especially for Children
--Bob Livingston, Personal Liberty Digest

Devvy Kidd


Vaccines, What Your Doctor Won't Tell You
--Rob Pell,

'Almost Orwellian' -- why Judge Leon is right about massive NSA spying program
--Judge Napolitano, Fox News

The President’s other Obamacare lies -
Millions losing their health insurance is just the beginning

--Milton R. Wolf, Washington Times

The wrong people decide who goes to prison
--Mark Bennett and Mark Osler, CNN

Chancler and DC Parts

2nd Amendment

City settles: pays 38k to gun rights group

Top Five Pro-Gun Moments in 2013

California Politicians Pushing “Gun Control”… For Toy Guns

House Extends Plastic Gun Ban Without Roll Call Vote

US~Observer Edition 2 Number 26

See the US~Observer
as it was printed!
(This is a large file.)

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